Bring 10 or more people to a Rise match and get ready for an unforgettable experience!

    Enjoy special pricing, exclusive experiences, and lots of fun. Whether you’re organizing a company outing, fundraising event, birthday bash, or entertaining clients, we guarantee a fantastic time for everyone in your group!

    Click on the button below for more information or call us at (616) 575-6500.




Discounted tickets without service fees.


The ability to reserve block seating in the best available locations.


Access to exclusive experiences like arena tours, player high-five tunnel, on-court photos, and more (subject to availability).

Group Experiences

Performance Groups

Your group can perform in front of thousands of cheering fans at Van Andel Arena before or during a Rise game! On-court and concourse performance opportunities are available for bands, choirs, color guards, cheer/dance teams, martial arts groups, and more. The best part is each of our performance opportunities can double as a fundraising opportunity for your group.

Birthday Parties

Make your next birthday celebration memorable by hosting it at a Rise game! Your birthday bash of 10 or more will include tickets, birthday treats from Marge's Donut Den, souvenirs, a video board birthday announcement, and a mascot visit.

Fundraising Opportunities

Are you struggling to decide what to do for your next fundraiser? Whether you’re trying to raise funds for a nonprofit, club, or association, the Rise offer fundraising options that suit any organization, no matter your type, time frame, or budget. Let us help you raise money and keep your organization going strong!

Suites & Premium Seats

The Rise offer a variety of single-game suites and premium seat hospitality rentals, each ideal for hosting corporate functions, entertaining clients, or even a special evening with family and friends. Now is the perfect time to start planning what's sure to be a memorable Rise volleyball experience for you and your guests.

Rise Up High Five Tunnel

Experience pre-game on a whole new level, by being part of our High Five Tunnel, where you will high five the starting line up before they begin their first set.

Anthem VolleyBuddies

Come stand on the court with the Grand Rapids Rise during the National Anthem before the game begins.

Rise Retrievers

Have your volleyball team join us on the court before the game to assist in gathering balls during warm-ups.

Afternoon Rally

Play on the same court as the Grand Rapids Rise! Provide your teams a chance to come out and play an afternoon volleyball game at Van Andel Arena - before the start of a Grand Rapids Rise game!